Clear Jelly Stamper (CjS-LC-57) Talia's Pumpkin Patch Talia's Pumpkin Patch by Clear Jelly Stamper We are thrilled to bring you this FUN autumn pla…
Clear Jelly Stamper (CjS-56) Got Plaid? Got Plaid by Clear Jelly Stamper Top selling nail stamping plate! With endless options at your finge…
Clear Jelly Stamper (CjS-LC-46) Steampunk Have a difficult time getting actual gears? Find them tedious to inlay when you do? Along with our b…
Clear Jelly Stamper (CjS-LC-73) It's a Baby! Ten little fingers, ten little toes, what mommy's having, nobody knows....yet! 14.5 x 9.5 cm
Clear Jelly Stamper (CjS-LC-87) Flora "Flora Nail Shop was created by Talia from Talia’s Nail Studio (Tales) on YouTube! Talia started Flo…
Clear Jelly Stamper (CjS-LC-86) Tattoo Tattoo by Clear Jelly Stamper In Collaboration with @misscherrypinup
Clear Jelly Stamper (CjS-LC-68) Geisha Geisha - A person of the Arts. One of the oldest yet most mysterious professions in Japan. Geisha gi…
Clear Jelly Stamper CjS-C-56) Silent Night A delicate collection of layered snowflakes. Comes with our brand new "Step by Step" guide! 8 …