• FX Fierce Fuchsia 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Evergreen 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Dusty Rose 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Dove Grey 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Deep Purple 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Daffodil 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Cupid Pink 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Cranberry Shimmer 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Copper Rose 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Cotton Candy 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Cherry Kisses 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…

  • FX Cherry Cola 8ml

    Amore Ultima

    PRISMA FX UV/LED-Prisma FX is an array of UV/LED curable gel colours and dry additives that will fee…